
Solutions for Water Public Utilities

Prometeo supplies solutions for Integrated Water Cycle companies. The areas of intervention are that of supply of AC-powered and battery-powered RTUs and, even more strategical, the area of ​​optimizing the operation of the networks, through advanced control systems and digitization systems.

Optimization of water networks

Prometeo is continuously engaged in the development of a "value proposal" for the optimization of drinking water networks. The issues we are focused on are the reduction of losses, the reduction of energy consumption, the reduction of breakages and therefore of maintenance costs, the extension of the life time of hydraulic assets and the containment of environmental impact. Our "value proposal" is made up of products and services created by us and by products distributed by us throughout the country.
Prometeo is a company specialized in automation, IT and electronics, but hydraulic optimization obviously also requires hydraulic engineering skills. This is why our approach is always multi-disciplinary and our activity is based on a strategic coordination with partners specialized in hydraulic engineering in general and in the optimization of water networks in particular.